Why Your Small Business Needs Mobile Device Security In The Workplace

Why Your Small Business Needs Mobile Device Security In The Workplace


Cybercriminals don’t send warning signals at all. Unfortunately, many small business owners often over look the importance of mobile device security in the workplace, irrespective of their awareness of diverse cyber security threats. Perhaps, you are wondering whether you need corporate mobile device security services or not. 

Given the nature of constant business communications that flow through mobile devices used by employers and employees across different sectors, dependable security system management isn’t something you can leave to chance. 

Even when you are deep asleep, the always-on connectedness of mobile devices in and out of the workplace demands strong security system management. But before proceeding, let’s look at the basics to help you determine why you may need mobile device security services. 

What Is Corporate Mobile Device Security?

Corporate mobile device security refers to processes, systems, and protocols designed to secure the storage and transmission of data within a corporate environment. 

The main goal is to prevent unauthorized access that may endanger the smooth day-to-day operation. With negligence, the vulnerability of your business might lead to unexpected outcomes. And before you know it, your business might be trapped in a position of dealing with costly and preventable damages. 

Is Mobile Device Security For Big Companies Only? 

If you think that corporate mobile device security is for big companies only, think again, my friend. Looking at the recent small business cyber security statistics, you’ll find more reasons to rethink your opinions and current dispositions. 

For example, Purple Security Systems reported that malware defense could cost up to $2.4 million in some cases. The fact remains that mobile device security is not for big businesses only. 

Why You Need Mobile Device Cyber Security In The Workplace

Now, let’s think through the big question. Why do you need mobile device security in your workplace? Even though the needs of different businesses may vary from one context to the other, it is not uncommon to find similarities. Check out the following key points first. 

Accessibility of Corporate Business Resource 

From corporate business data to email communications, network access, and messaging apps, an increasing number of operation tasks are now accessible on mobile devices. 

Unfortunately, the same increased level of on-demand, mobile access to everything is potent for intelligent cybercriminals. The tricky part is that your employees don’t have to be prevented in the workplace for hackers to exploit their vulnerability to attack your business. Moreover, modern-day hackers don’t even need physical access to launch an attack through a vulnerable smartphone. 

The Increase In Mobile Malware 

The continued increase in mobile malware is not within your control. However, as your employees continue to use other mobile apps while accessing your business resources with the same device, the chances of getting malware seem higher than you may realize. Here is why you may need mobile security audit from time to time. 

Even you think that standard mobile security warnings and protocols are enough today, you never know when some negligent changes can lead to an undesirable outcome in your workplace. Interestingly, it might be helpful to take some time and educate yourself on the types of mobile malware that affect today’s small businesses and their employees. 

Protection Against Insiders 

While you are busy contemplating whether you need corporate mobile device security or not, a single ill-intentioned employee can pose a significant risk to your business.

And the worst thing about intelligent and criminally minded insiders is that they can cover their tracks and traces more than outsiders. Before giving full mobile access to new and existing employees, consider how mobile device security experts can help you achieve the maximum security of your business resources and operations. 

Improved Workflow 

The truth is that on-demand mobile access to business resources hosted in the cloud can help improve workflow in different contexts. For example, when employees have access to cloud-hosted data, it might help them respond promptly to unexpected client demands, especially when they are out of the office. In other words, it is not everything that needs office presence before an employee can step up to handle some critical issues. 

However, getting all those benefits of cloud-driven mobile computing needs maximum security. In this case, you may need the services of cloud security experts to back up your workflow improvement processes. 

Prevention of Potential Losses 

Interestingly, this point might be the biggest reason why you need corporate mobile device security services. In almost any case that comes to mind, the cost of data-breach prevention services will always be lower than the unpredictable damage or losses. 

For example, the level of reputational damage your business surfer from a mobile device security breach is usually unexpected. 

But then, you don’t have to wait until the loss happens before getting into reactionary haste. Even now, you can start taking some proactive steps to implement a dependable mobile device security system in your workplace.