Computronix Norwalk Cyber Security Company


Norwalk Cyber Security Company

“A comprehensive approach to network and cyber security is the best defense against technology threats such as hackers and ransomware.”

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Computronix was one of only 100 cyber security companies that participated in a congressional conference on private technologies for Homeland Security.

So what does cyber security entail for your Stamford CT Business?:

  • NAnti-Virus
  • NAnti-Malware
  • NAnti-Spam
  • NFirewall Services
  • NWeb & Content Filtering
  • NFile / Email Security
  • NBackup / Disaster Recovery (Local-Onsite & Offsite-Cloud)
  • NIdentity Security / Biometrics
  • NMulti-Factor Authentication Protocols (“2FA”)
  • NIntrusion Detection/Penetration Testing
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Simplified solutions to assuring business continuity

Computronix offers cyber security but when disaster strikes we have a disaster recovery plan that is visible, scalable, and affordable: Data Backup, Recovery and Business Continuity for Local, Virtual, and Cloud Environments, Business-Critical Data, Systems, Desktops, Servers and more.

Enhance backup and recovery capabilities without investing in new infrastructure is another important step in cyber security.

Proper cyber security for Business-critical data, systems, desktops, servers, and the entire infrastructure must be protected and recoverable.

With secure local virtualization solutions from ComputronixTM, if disaster strikes, your entire infrastructure (physical or virtual) is virtualized instantly, empowering you to continue your business operations without losing any data, incurring any damage, or experiencing any downtime.

Disaster Recovery

Data backup, recovery and business continuity for local, virtual, and Cloud environments, Business-critical data, systems, desktops, servers.

Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Automatic backups ensure you can restore your cloud data no matter what happens to it: from malicious attacks to careless employees. Everything is backed up. Anything can be restored. No matter who did what or when

Ransomware Protection

Safeguard your business with a secret weapon in the war on cyber extortion. Computronix protects businesses and ensures control and ownership remain undisputed in cases of user error, malicious attacks, compliance issues, and user management.

Managed Spam Filter

Netcare  Managed Services includes Managed spam filter (MSF) Service provides the most comprehensive solution to email threads on the market today. Our highly effective anti-spam engine guarantees email protection from span, viruses, Trojans, phishing attacks and other unwanted email content effectively.

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Norwalk Cyber Security

Protect your business from a cyber attack before “it” happens.

Computronix can be an integral part of your Norwalk Cyber Security protocol.

Did you know?

1 in 5 Small businesses will suffer a cyber breach this year.
81% Of all breaches happen to small and medium sized businesses.
97% Of breaches could have been prevented with today’s technology.

Assessment 1a

Security Assessment

It’s important to establish a baseline and close existing vulnerabilities. When was your last assessment?

Spam Email 1a1 1

Spam Email

Secure your email. Most attacks originate in your email. We’ll help you choose a service designed to reduce spam and your exposure to attacks on your staff via email.

Passwords 1a1


Apply security policies on your network. Examples: Deny or limit USB file storage access, enable enhanced password policies, set user screen timeouts, and limit user access.

Security Awareness 1a1

Security Awareness

Train your users – often! Teach them about data security, email attacks, and your policies and procedures. We offer a web-based training solution and “done for you” security policies.

Endpoint Detection 1a1 1

Advanced Endpoint Detection & Response

Protect your computers data from malware, viruses, and cyber attacks with advanced endpoint security. Today’s latest technology (which replaces your outdated anti-virus solution) protects against file-less and script based threats and can even rollback a ransomware attack.

Multifactor Authentication 1a1

Multi-Factor Authentication

Utilize Multi-Factor Authentication whenever you can including on your network, banking websites, and even social media. It adds an additional layer of protection to ensure that even if your password does get stolen, your data stays protected.

Computer Updates 1a1

Computer Updates

Keep Microsoft, Adobe, and Java products updated for better security. We provide a “critical update” service via automation to protect your computers from the latest known attacks

Dark Web Research 1a1

Dark Web Research

Knowing in real-time what passwords and accounts have been posted on the Dark Web will allow you to be proactive in preventing a data breach. We scan the Dark Web and take action to protect your business from stolen credentials that have been posted for sale.

Siem Log Management 1a1

SIEM/Log Management

Security Incident & Event Management uses big data engines to review all event and security logs from all covered devices to protect against advanced threats and to meet compliance requirements.

Web Gateway Security 1a1

Web Gateway Security

Internet security is a race against time. Cloud based security detects web and email threats as they emerge on the internet, and blocks them on your network within seconds – before they reach the user.

Mobile Device Security 1a1

Mobile Device Security

Today’s cyber criminals attempt to steal data or access your network by way of your employees’ phones and tablets. They’re counting on you to neglect this piece of the puzzle. Mobile device security closes this gap.

Firewall 1a1


Turn on Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention features. Send the log files to a managed SIEM. And if your IT team doesn’t know how to properly build or maintain a firewall, call us today!

Encryption 1a1


Whenever possible, the goal is to encrypt files at rest, in motion (think email) and especially on mobile devices.

Backup 1a1 Copy


Backup local. Backup to the cloud. Have an offline backup for each month of the year. Test your backups often. And if you aren’t convinced your backups are working properly, call us ASAP.

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Computronix performs digital forensics collection and analysis for both litigation and investigation projects, as well as data preservation.

What is Norwalk Digital Forensics?

Digital forensics is the process of uncovering and interpreting electronic data. The goal of the process is to preserve any evidence in its most original form while performing a structured investigation by collecting, identifying and validating the digital information for the purpose of reconstructing past events.

Norwalk Digital Forensics That Are Scientific, Unbiased
and Thorough

Our forensic examiners hold the most valuable certifications in the digital forensics industry as testament to their skills in evidence gathering and analysis for equipment from smartphones to laptops to servers. They apply sound forensic and scientific principles to every investigation.

Norwalk Digital Forensics Cases

Secure Data Recovery Services can gather and analyze evidence related to cases of employee misconduct, policy violations, IP theft and business fraud, corporate hacking attacks cause and damage assessments and more — and from any type of device or media including SIM cards, memory cards, peripherals, hard drives, SSDs, etc.

Verified Industry Certifications For All Norwalk Digital Forensics

Our facilities hold industry-leading technical and business certifications including SSAE 18 SOC 1 Type II, SOC 2 Type I and SOC3 Security Certifications, GSA Approved Contractor, EU-US Privacy Shield, PCI-DSS plus equipment manufacturer approvals.

Why A Norwalk Cyber Security Company is So Important for Your Norwalk Business

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Importance of Norwalk Cyber Security for your Norwalk Business

Like most people, your business represents a means of livelihood upon which your family depends. 

Without understanding the importance of cybersecurity for businesses, that your means of livelihood might be vulnerable at the moment. How long would you want to leave it in that vulnerable state? 

As technology continues to advance, cybercriminals are also advancing their game. To an average business owner, different forms of hard-to-understand, complex cyber threats abound in today’s world. 

Based on some of the recent cybersecurity statistics, ransomware alone had grown by 435%. 

From health to finance, retail, transportation, and technology, a lot of network security vulnerabilities pose a great threat to the sustainability and profitability of a business in different industries. 

Here are some of the reasons why business owners need robust cybersecurity services more than ever before. Without waiting for attacks to happen before you begin to look for cybersecurity services, you can take some proactive actions to protect your business. 

Why Computronix A Norwalk Cyber Security Company Is Important To Your Norwalk Businesses


Ignoring the security of your business is a choice. Maybe you don’t want to spend unnecessary money on non-essentials. Unfortunately, when you ignore some known and unknown vulnerabilities, you may end up paying a high price for preventable losses. 

Why then, should you care to take proactive steps to protect your business with digital forensics and other cybersecurity services

#1: Your Network Connections And Software Need Constant Updates

Software products and network protocols do become outdated from time to time. Given this fact, in today’s digital world, cybercriminals are constantly phishing for loopholes to launch different forms of attacks. Assuming you are not a cybersecurity expert or an IT professional, it may be hard for you to detect some outdated systems that may leave your business vulnerable to unexpected attacks. 

You may consider this a reason to update and upgrade the technological systems on which your business depends for ongoing operations. This is one of the areas where managed IT service firms can help your business for sustainability. 

#2: Your Reputation Needs Tight Protection

One surprising thing about cyber attacks is that they may not be launched directly at your business. Instead, modern-day cybercriminals may hack into your system to steal customer information. When this happens, they use such information to commit all sorts of cybercrimes you may not know. If you are not aware, a simple data breach can cause your company to start losing customers. 

The question is this – will you sit and wait for such things to happen before you can begin to run around for quick and overpriced disaster recovery services? You probably know the answer. 

#3: You Can Lose Real Money

Should you search for ‘how businesses are losing money to cybercriminals, it wouldn’t take long researches to find an Amazing number of stories and examples. In case you think that this happens to big companies only, pause and think again. Small businesses are also losing money in this case. Some of the ways a business can lose money include –

  • Financial data loss
  • Reputational damage 
  • Operational disruption 
  • Stealing of intellectual property 
  • Unexpected data recovery fees

Just Some Of The Areas We Provide IT Support & Managed Services

Darien  Connecticut

IT Support Darien

Fairfield Connecticut

IT Support Fairfield

New Canaan  Connecticut

IT Support New Canaan

We provide Outsourced IT Support Services in these locations and so many more. Including international clients that we have been working with for over a decade. Contact Us Today!

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The Computronix team is available.

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970 Summer Street
Stamford, CT 06905

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